Sipping through the Far East: Asian-inspired cocktails
Discover the vibrant world of Asian cocktails with our curated guide
The Asian cocktail scene has really taken a firm hold in recent years, emerging as a vibrant and dynamic hub of culinary innovation. Inspired by this captivating region with its splendid array of landscapes, climates, cultures and people, we've compiled a list of our favourite Asian drinks to spark a touch of wanderlust in your palate.
According to the GFTR 2024, Discerning drinkers will look for masterfully crafted cocktail experiences in 2024. The beverage segment will meet this demand with signature offerings inspired by unusual local ingredients and techniques.
So, embark on a journey through the Far East, exploring some of its most iconic and innovative libations!

Where will this Far-East cocktail odyssey take you? Let us know in the comments!